The Jealousy. The Envy. How French Women Stay Thin.

One night out on my many adventures here in Paris, I decided to go out and bite the bullet and join a meet up group at the swanky Le Meurice Hotel. Now if you want to go out and feel special in one of Salvador's Dali's hangouts here in Paris, I totally recommend this beautiful piece of history. 

While I was sitting there having a glass of Rosé Champagne, I struck up a conversation with a leggy, tall, thin Parisian "Madame". To be honest, it's few and far in between that I get to actually sit down and talk with a French woman due to my limited French and to be quite frank, I date French men, not women. That being said, it was like talking with the Holy Grail. She admired my cat eye shaped eyes and was mesmerized with how I did it. I dispelled my liquid eyeliner brand and technique secrets which she was thankful for. That being said I kind of felt like she had to spill some secrets of her own. So I casually sucked my stomach in and sat up straight and asked the question:

How do you French women keep themselves so thin?

According to her it's all about the following...An apple for fiber, several types of cheeses in moderation to trick the palette into thinking that you are eating more than you are, a small crunchy grain baguette, and my favorite part, a glass of red Bordeaux. Lets keep in mind she specifically insisted on the RED BORDEAUX. Not a red Burgundy but a Red Bordeaux or you won't lose weight it seemed. Who knew that wine from Bordeaux soil has weight loss benefits? 

I realized that through moderation, she was able to enjoy her favorite foods. She enjoyed it with no shame attached to it. Everytime I grab a baguette, I always think to myself "Oh dear, I shouldn't be eating this but I am going to eat it anyways (with guilt) because it's so good." So good that I end up eating the whole thing. French people enjoy their food in small quantities and treat it as a delicacy. Small portions. Moderation. Which as a "good American" I am guilty of let's say enjoying everything a little too much. It's either all or nothing.  

 By the end of the conversation, I was so sucked into her weight loss world, I returned to the realization that I was hunched over with my belly popping out...a little bit. Her diet plan unfortunately did not work on me by osmosis. 

 I accepted that she could eat moderately and look the way she did and that I am really good at doing an "off the hook" (NYC girl coming out) Cat-eye liner which she couldn't do. That in my book is called moderation...



Need a few good Bordeaux and cheese pairing recommendations to make you look or feel sexy this summer?

Here are a few suggestions:

Château Chevorol Bel-Air Lalande de Pomerol 2o12

This is an easy going predominantly Merlot blend. Light on the  Tannin side making it an easy and enjoyable glass of wine. 

Château d'Arcins Haut-Médoc 2013

This is a great bold wine made with predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon. It has heavier tannins yet has a smooth finish.


Choose fatty, hard, aged cheeses such as an aged cheddar, Comté, or manchego. The tannin in the wine and fat in the cheese are a match made in heaven.